Scalable .Net & React Application for Parking Management
Advanced Parking Tech (APT) is Parking Management Software for operators managing cark parks and parking compliance. It utilises modern technology for optimising data processing, increasing data accuracy and enabling multiple system integrations, keeping parking management operational at all times.
Tech Stack Delivering High Performance, Availability & Scalability
.NET Framework
APT required our custom software development service to create a scalable commercial application, the decision to use a proven platform that is robust and reliable was an easy one with .NET. This is I-Finity’s platform of choice as it enables the development team to build highly performant and secure applications. Furthermore, it delivered on the security, data protection and compliance requirements needed to operate within the parking industry.
APT is built on the .NET framework as it delivers on the scalability and flexibility that was needed to create and deliver on the product’s vision and required capabilities. The benefits of using Microsoft’s .NET platform go beyond just delivering advantages for developers it also provides end customers like APT with significant advantages. It provided APT with a fully functional and feature-rich SaaS application that works across all devices. I-Finity’s development team used the powerful tools that come with .NET to solve technical problems with ease.
Azure & sharded databases
The use of .NET framework provided the support needed to build a cloud-based application, this meant I‑Finity could develop and deploy APT on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform that provides further security controls, compliance, and privacy measures. It was essential to have the flexibility to scale APT easily on demand to support the growth of the business.
The technical architecture was designed to scale and integrate with any system including hardware integrations. Within the Azure implementation, APT uses sharded databases for delivering high performance and enabling data segregation between organisations using APT. With the use of Entity Framework I‑Finity was able to integrate with Elastic Database tools. This approach to the architecture provided additional benefits such as:
- the capability to easily scale-out with adding or removing databases from the data tier of the sharded APT application as required
- providing consistency and validation with the sharding in place and through the use of data-dependent routing capabilities it avoids corruption or wrong query results
Secure API with Azure Active Directory
A custom API was built using .NET framework to deliver a comprehensive API secured with Azure Active Directory for authentication and authorising secure access. APT’s API allows different components and services to independently connect to it to communicate and share information. Developing an API for APT provided the necessary endpoints to request and receive responses from multiple 3rd party system integrations from receiving ANPR camera data, sending requests to the DVLA to sending letters for mailing to InMail and for pulling in data from Pay & Display machines.
APT has been built to easily integrate with other technology providers to enable parking operators to connect their existing systems, machines, and equipment to one central platform that supports their entire operational model. With the use of .Net it enabled the seamless integration with your pre-existing infrastructure, it adapts easily to scale, providing APT with a reliable application with superior performance.
React Dashboard
The front end has been built using React framework, it enabled a faster time to market and delivered on creating a secure, performant, and user-friendly interface. With React I‑Finity was able to create interactive dashboards and screens that removed the complexity from the interfaces for an intuitive, responsive and accessible UI. The decision behind the use of React provided APT with the longer-term benefit of being able to easily update, maintain and enhance the UI as the product and its suite of applications grow whilst still maintaining a consistent look and feel.
APT’s Parking Management Software needed to be secure and reliable to meet the significant demand of data processing and integrate easily with other technology providers. The technology decisions made into which platforms, tools, frameworks and ultimately the technical architecture for this product were critical in delivering a successful SaaS product. These decisions in using robust and proven platforms inform and support the ongoing product development and enhancements that APT will continue to deliver for its customers.

Delivery of Key Product Functionality:
- Parking Compliance Management
- Realtime data and analytics
- IVR & Online Payments
- Warden App
- Client Portal & Kiosk App
- Integrations with ANPR Cameras, Pay & Display Machines, Cashless Payment Providers, DVLA System Integrators
- Proprietary built Algorithms for improving data accuracy
Successful Delivery with Proven Agile Development Processes
- Spending quality time upfront to plan, review insights and exchange knowledge, led to a prioritised scope of features and capabilities. The scope covered design, functionality and integration needs.
- Documenting the solution architecture for APT that covered key components, dependencies and requirements from Azure implementation, databases, system integrations, workflow processing to front end requirements. This led to the optimal implementation to deliver on immediate and longer-term plans for the product to ensure performance and scalability.
- Using the Agile Software Development Methodology fostered quality with continuous testing, regular reviews for feedback and working functionality.
- End user testing with the intended audience was highly valuable during the development process for a new product to validate user experience, user interface and functionality needs.