We guide, consult, and create technology solutions that help our customers be successful within the industry they operate.

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Our services and solutions are easily tuned to reflect the size and scale of our customers. We have full coverage in the UK as well as customers in the US and Canada. All our infrastructure is scalable and repeatable allowing us to grow and expand as required to meet the exact needs of our customers.

We support customers from a variety of industries from independent businesses, financial services through to not-for-profit organisations.


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Financial Services

In a heavy regulated industry, our business has everything in place to deliver secure and complaint technology solutions. Our readiness comes from years of previous expertise of developing financial planning software. More recently architecting a personal finance software solution on Microsoft Azure. We support and consult customers who require the development of software as a service product using compliant and industry leading technology for security.

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We have proven expertise in the geospatial space solving complex technical challenges with cloud based geospatial solutions. Over the years our solutions have delivered for customers requiring effective technology in extremely remote locations working in sectors such as utility and natural resources. ArcGIS is a complex platform but one we understand well and have implemented successfully for our customers to achieve their goals.

Our expertise includes building software products, apps and data engines for collecting geospatial data, organising data into maps along with system and hardware integrations.

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Community & Heritage

Our team is passionate about local initiatives, historic and cultural stories cities have to share. We support many dedicated community associations, trusts and heritage organisations whose primary objectives are to support independent businesses and the wider community in bringing residents, visitors, and tourists to their cities. The work we do involves creating and developing website solutions that are highly intuitive and engaging with user friendly functionality that is accessible to everyone.

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Education & Training

Our customers range from being training providers delivering qualifications and managing Alumni student networks to schools and education governing bodies to ecommerce solutions aimed at educational Institutions and students. We provide solutions that are customer focused with a particular focus on accessibility and responsiveness for inclusive access.

In recent years we have been supporting the digital transformation within schools to enable divisions and individual schools to achieve automation efficiencies. This is being achieved with delivering shared website platforms for content sharing, design and feature flexibility unique to each school.

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With the ever-changing world of technology we consult, guide, and develop high performance solutions architected on industry leading platforms. Our technology customers come from a range of sectors including financial services to thermostat manufacturers. We help our customers be successful in providing technology apps, services and products that deliver on high availability and high performance for positive customer experiences.

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Our work with customers in manufacturing has involved delivering automation benefits, creating compelling websites to display their range of products and enabling sales processes with system integrations. We support the growth of manufacturing customers with understanding their processes, operations and internal systems to deliver scalable and reliable solutions with cloud technology.

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We have delivered a range of solutions including websites for customers we support in the electrical and civic engineering business, electrical services and charging point providers. We often work with different hardware equipment to deliver on customer specific automation requirements such as automating the process of monitoring the life of re-chargeable batteries used within hearing aids.

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Public Sector

Implementation of Microsoft technologies and Azure Cloud to deliver compliant, secure and scalable solutions. Delivered websites for councils who require high availability to keep public services and news available to its residents and business communities. Our delivery is supported with project governance, robust disaster recovery processes and fully accessible solutions that can be accessed by assistive technologies. (Adhere to WCAG 2.1 AA Accessibility Guidelines and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)).

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supports the public sector to gain the greatest commercial value when buying goods and services. I‑Finity Associates Ltd have been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service's (CCS) Digital Outcomes 6 agreement.

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We work with organisations whose primary goal is to bring public or social benefit to its communities.  Solutions we have delivered include websites, campaign specific websites, website hosting, support, maintenance and system integrations. Our work has involved working with customers in the arts, culture, theatre, and heritage sectors.

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Publishing businesses over the years have had to adapt to offer more online resources and remove the reliance on printed materials. We support established publishing and digital media brands predominately based within the USA focused on families, young children and wedding planning.  We create performant and compelling online experiences showcasing resources, programs, activities, events, along with opportunities to monetise with advertising revenue.

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Hospitality, Retail and Entertainment

We have been working in this sector for many years and during this time we have designed, developed, and hosted websites for a range of customers, including independent cinemas, restaurants, cafes, delis, photography sites and indoor climbing businesses. The complexity of each web solution varies for each customer from payment integrations to integrations with booking and ticketing systems.

Supporting our customers around the world

  • Dedicated support platform to capture and respond to queries at any time
  • Utilise time zone differences to work to the advantage of our customers
  • Flexibility to perform deployments outside of our customers business hours

Contact Our Team to learn more about how we can support you

"The time difference between Toronto and the UK works nicely as work plans can be built, builds delivered and tested, and the results communicated back through to mid-day EST. The next morning, there are fresh items to review. "

Kieren Tinning - Owner of TerraFlow Geomatics (Toronto, Canada)


We consult with an open and honest approach so that everyone is on-board from the start. Collaboration, keeping the lines of communication open and transparency in our processes is how we encourage trust between us and our customers.

We will not over promise and under deliver, what we will do is provide options, alternatives, iterative and phased approaches to help you achieve your goals.


A developer working on a PC

Highly technical experts passionate about technology

We are experts in solving technical complexities and delivering solutions that provide design and functionality that complement one another. Everything is possible with the right technology and we enjoy exploring what possibilities we can achieve. 

We invest in research and development to learn and adopt new technologies to continually deliver value and industry-leading best practises for our customers.

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We will not compromise on quality, security or performance

Protecting our customers, their brand, products and services can only be achieved with us building on trusted and governed platforms. It is essential that online applications are responsive, performant and always available to deliver a positive customer experience.

Our solutions are secure to ensure customer data is managed and processed securely. We will deliver the best solution that meets your current needs along with the capability to improve and enhance to support future needs.

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We are a highly trusted development partner

We take a proactive approach in monitoring customer solutions we manage and host to ensure we always keep our customers operational. Supporting customers in different ways with defining their technology strategy to performing audits and reviews on current technology implementations to enabling our customers to manage their own solutions with no reliance on us.

Selecting us as your development partner means you be in safe hands - how we partner with you is very much lead by your requirements.

global partners

“Working with the I‑Finity team over a number of projects has been a wonderful experience and really they are like an extension of our own team and family. I cannot speak highly enough of the relationship that we've built and the projects completed over the years and the absolute pleasure it has been working with them.”

Kieren Tinning - Owner of Terraflow Geomatics (Toronto, Canada)

What our customers say

We guide our customers in this technology-drive world to make the right choices and help them be successful.

“GradFinale has been a very happy customer of I‑Finity for many years now. The team respond professionally and promptly to our diverse business needs including our development, support and integration requirements. As well as the technical expertise, they are also excellent at communicating and have a commercial mindset when arriving at solutions. I would not hesitate to recommend I‑Finity to others looking for a technology partner.”

Scott Dixon - Director (London, UK)

“I-Finity are a trusted partner and their Azure expertise, quality of their work and responsive communication has been invaluable for us.”

Financial Services Customer - Owner (London, UK)

“I’m currently managing a couple of Umbraco sites built by I‑Finity Associates. After struggling to get my head around other systems I have found Umbraco is a really well organised and user-friendly platform. Its highly customisable and the overall functionality works really well. It’s been easy to train other staff to use the system and its simple navigation makes it efficient for updating content on a regular basis. I would recommend Umbraco over any other CMS due to its user-friendly features and its flexibility, which has been vastly supportive to the range of sites I manage. I’ve worked with I‑Finity Associates for 12 months now and it has been a pleasure working with them and I would definitely recommend their services. ”

Joanne Dalton - Marketing Manager (Boot the Virus, HX-PCN, ADR-Legal) (Halifax, UK)

“I- Finity have worked with Indie York over the last 4 years and have always been very efficient and responsive to any updates we have wanted to make. They recently provided us with an excellent update to our website that has made a huge improvement providing some excellent new features on our new website. This we launched in February 2020. That remodelling is excellent and has been very warmly welcomed by our 200 plus Independent business members. I have no hesitation in recommending I‑Finity as a website developer and for ongoing technical support. They are a very thoughtful and capable company”

Johnny Hayes MBE - Chairman York Independent Business Initiative (Indie York) (York, UK)

“I have worked with many vendors in my 20-year career and I‑Finity is one of the best. More than a vendor, they are a partner.”

Laura Galante - Digital Marketing Director, Pragmatic Institute (Scottsdale, USA)

“Under the wings of I‑Finity we can make changes very quickly and easily, all the functionality we need is catered for and the speed of the site is fantastic.”

Cliff Gurdin - Managing Director, Eat IT Drink IT (Leeds, UK)